BlackBerry App World 3.0 can be downloaded

Research In Motion (RIM) has finally officially launched the latest version of the application store, the BlackBerry App World 3.0. Previously he was already available, but is still in beta. In this version a number of changes seen, from start to design a more seamless home screen, new icons and application settings more easily. Here are the new features contained in the BlackBerry App World 3.0 : New Design - The design of the new Blackberry App Word smoother is more easier for users to...

BBM Applications Music Beta

Research In Motion (RIM) Telah merilis aplikasi BBM Music versi beta. Aplikasi ini adalah cara baru bagi para pengguna BlackBerry dalam mendengarkan musik sekaligus berjejaring sosial,RIM pertama kali memperkenalkan aplikasi BBM Music pada akhir Agustus silam. Kini, pembesut BlackBerry tersebut mulai menggelar ketersediaannya bagi semua pengguna handsetnya. Dibanderol USD 5 (sekitar Rp 45 ribuan) per bulan, BBM Music diklaim berbeda dengan layanan musik lainnya.  Dengan BBM Music, pengguna...

Molome Applications on BlackBerry

Photo sharing applications are being loved now. Call Instagram in IOS, PicPlz, Streamzoo, Mytubo in Android seemed to make everyone hypnotized by this new social network.  One application for the BlackBerry-based photo sharing, Molome also began in gandrungi by BlackBerry users. How do you use? Download this application from the BlackBerry AppWorld. If do not have to download them first BlackBerry AppWorld her here , after it's looking Molome application, install it and wait until finish  Once...

BlackBerry Secret Codes

Blackberry proved to have a secret code that is not contained in the manual how to use the BlackBerry. Though this cheat is required for various purposes eg: to check whether the purchased is BB unlock or BB lock. And can also be used to see if the BB is purchased new or used, including mobile phones. Changing the symbol rate signal from the bar to hold down ALT + NMLL at home. Viewing Data Usage and Voice Usage: B U R Y type B U T T E R in the [option] -> [Status]. Seeing Refld and ServiceUserId:...

Some Code Blackberry

Same as another smart handphone, Blackberry have many code that used for reset, restart blackberry without release battery, format memory blackberry, multitasking, etc. All in your own risk, I’m only give what I know. The following are examples of some code blackberry :Left SHIFT + Right ALT + DEL : master reset Blackberry, Press & Hold them until LCD swithed off and red blinking LED. Remember, all your data in the phone will be lost.. ALT + Right SHIFT + DEL : Restart blackberry without...

Free Software For Your BlackBerry

Blackberry Messenger (Free) Blackberry Messenger (BBM) is probably the first application that you see when buying a BlackBerry. The application of this fuel is definitely there when you first turn on the Blackberry. You'll want to immediately upgrade this application when you first use it. With this application, you can communicate with other Blackberry users after you have exchanged your PIN. The application also provides the feature Group Messaging (BB Group) for messaging activities in groups....